Saturday, July 19, 2008

Point Your Finger

An excellent example of finger pointing has begun at Political Forums. Apparently Nancy Pelosi blames Bush for Gas Prices and the general state of the economy, even after nearly two years of a Democratic led Congress.

Superdude17 points out that:

Obviously insinuating that gas prices are the fault of the Democratic Congress.

The Stripey1 retorts that,
so if you want to lay blame on Congress for not accomplishing anything, be sure you lay that blame right where it belongs...
at the feet of the obstructionist republicans...

The rest of the thread is pretty much more of the same. What a beautiful example of ignorance in action. There is no real discussion of the causes of increased oil prices, no discussion of the legislation, regulation, and taxation involved here. There is no political insight into matters of substance or fact, just finger pointing. You can hardly blame them, after all this is the example set for us by our politicians and parroted by the media. This is the way debates are done. You've got to stick the other guys with the blame.

As for solutions, well, let's not talk about what causes our problems, lets just figure out how to reduce the damage. In the politicians mind, if the people want cheaper gas and there are a significant number of votes in ethanol, then including ethanol into our gasoline supply is a good idea for politicians. That the cost of corn and all the food stuffs corn goes into making has dramatically increased, that violent protests all around the world are taking place because of this, doesn't matter to our politicians. They'll just wait for another special interest opportunity and another politically expedient solution. DON'T ADDRESS THE CAUSE! There is no reason to talk about causation because causation doesn't help our politicians. Causation doesn't fit in neatly with the political discussion. Causation doesn't make for sexy media presentations.

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