Friday, July 25, 2008

Another Stupid Thread by sdbest...

This time questioning the stupidity of Americans. This Volconvo critic and Canadian native seems to believe that there is a high degree of probability that Americans just might be the stupidest bastards in the civilized world, and what a shame, given all their wealth and opportunity that they suffer under such horrible conditions.
According to Development: US fails to measure up on 'human index', Americans lag far behind other countries on most measures of quality of life.

Not to be too provocative, but given America's absolute wealth doesn't this suggest that the average American is basically an idiot to accept these conditions. Isn't it clear yet to the majority of Americans that the "American Dream" of their mythology is, in fact, one big con?

Will Americans ever get it that the capitalist, free market system they've been indoctrinated to think is the best in the world is, in fact, a scam to rip off the majority of Americans who clearly are suckers?

The rich get richer thanks to the government they bought. The poor get poorer. And, the middle class gets sold to the Chinese, Indians, and the oil industry.

And most Americans just watch the TV as they're bled of everything of value, including their lives.

How sad. How sad. How sad.

It's amazing that Americans can still put their pants on one leg at a time. Damn! And could Americans defend themselves in this thread? Of course not. Americans pity themselves nearly as much as the Social Democrats and Canadian Liberals do. Frankly, I think Americans do suffer from a great deal of ignorance and apathy, which is a dangerous combination when considering the power and scope of our supposedly representative government. But if sdbest is correct, Canada and Europe should take pity on us lowly Americans and start giving us free energy like our pal Hugo Chavez, or maybe free prescription drugs for our seniors. Come on guys, step up. Save us from our stupidity!

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