Monday, July 21, 2008

Is Senator Obama an Idiot? Well, some people would like to know!

SDBest has started a thread at Volconvo questioning the intelligence of the Messiah himself, Senator Obama. Ballsy.

SDBest writes that,

Barack Obama promises to withdraw from Iraq, but increase American troops in Afghanistan. Obama said, "As president, I will make the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban the top priority that it should be. This is a war that we have to win."

In my view, Obama is as big a fool and idiot as Bush to think that the US and its allies can prevail in Afghanistan. Throughout history, Afghanistan has resisted all attempts by invaders to subdue it. It is insane hubris to think that the US can prevail where all others failed, particularly when the U.S. loses most of its wars except those it wages on small islands like Grenada.

So, is Obama an idiot?

Certainly SD here isn't the only one questioning Obama's new foreign policy positions. Many of Obama's most ardent supporters are wondering what happened to their Great Pacifist Hope. The News Media, as it follows Obama around the world in awe of his grandeur, youth, and increasingly apparent inexperience, are trying to figure out how to report on Obama contradictory remarks.

HelioPrime, I think, pretty much spelled it out though:

I'd say he's just doing what it takes to get elected. Independent voters who oppose the war will support him over his Iraq drawdown while more conservative independents will support his continues fight against terrorism.

That's not cynicism folks. That's just reality of our political culture; and before you start bitching about it, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

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