Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Struggle for Political power

From a new blog, National Polemic:

Political philosophy in the United States has all but disappeared as a matter of theory, replaced instead by a national clamoring to get government to do our bidding in a kind of Democratic hysteria. There seems to be no solid principles upon which the US Government is kept in check by the people, who, in an attempt to keep with the times, find themselves desperate to keep their representatives in power in order to shape the direction of an ever growing federal authority. The people never stop to ask, by what right does the government continue to grow and regulate and tax every aspect of their lives. Instead, they consent out of either greed, fear, or ignorance, opting rather to use the hammer and chisel of federal power to define for themselves and their countrymen their rights and liberties as Americans.

The United States was not founded as a Democracy, but as a Constitutional Republic, for the purpose of preserving the liberty of the people by subjecting Government to the rule of law. Yet, over the years the Constitution has been eroded by a nefarious national acceptance of Subjectivism and relativism with regards to the interpretation of nearly every Constitutional article. We hear the Constitution discussed as a “living, breathing document” as if our liberties and rights and protection from the Government is something that ought to be redefined with the times; as if freedom then somehow relied upon different principles than freedom now.

In fact, there seems to be no tribute paid to the political principles of liberty as defined by the Constitution for the protection of individuals against the power of The State. Over the years, we’ve accepted that in times of national emergency or in the presence of social disharmony, that the government should have the authority to manufacture regulations to keep the country moving “forward” (however that subjective direction may be defined). As an alternative, we have become a people who have filled the intentional void of political power in the Constitution with Government. Whatever question arises that is undefined by the Constitution is assumed to be a political “no man’s land” for the federal government, to decide on the basis of popular opinion or the national good how the government should rule on these Constitutionally unaddressed questions; when, in fact, it was the purpose of the Constitution to limit the Federal Government’s power to those areas only prescribed to it through the Constitution.

Our opposition to this political principle has been disastrous and it seems nearly impossible to imagine a day when the federal government would be held to solely to the powers enumerated to it specifically by the Constitution and prohibited to rule or legislate on matters left unaddressed. That which went unaddressed was supposed to be left up to the liberty of the people, who have, stupidly, deferred those liberties back to the government, sacrificing the only real political power they have. Now, finding ourselves dependent upon the good will and graces of our commanding Federal Establishment, we are all that much more desperate to control it. This is the cause for the great fear of our age, that our political rivals would control the Beast into which our government has evolved.

National Polemic is a Socio-Political weblog serving as the homepage for National Polemic Socio-Political Forums.

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